Mikes Story

A life long Wayne County resident, Sgt Mike Maxwell a 22 year veteran of the Wayne County Sheriff's Office Mike has twice been named officer of the year within the office. Known as a top performing detective who was is responsible for solving many high profile cases, Mike has always been highly respected within the law enforcement community. Not only by officers but also criminals who learned to respect Mike's word.

Mike had frequently had faced dangerous situations, but dealing what came his direction in 2009next was not taught in the police academy.

“In November of 2009 I got out of bed and my face was very swollen, I thought I had a food allergy so I went to work. By the end of the day the swelling was gone and I looked normal. The next day the same thing happened and again the day after that. “
Something was wrong soon Mike learned that he did not have a food allergy, he had Non-Hodgkin ( B- Cell ) Lymphoma a serious form of cancer. 

Over the next three years Mike received various forms of treatments, chemotherapy, stem cell replacement, and a recent clinical study at the Cleveland Clinic.
In late July of 2012 Mike learned that the treatments continue to be infective and the physicians have “done all they can”. Without the Lords intervention, the cancer will prove to be fatal.

Mike in April 2012
We have assembled a committee to raise funds for Mike and his family during this difficult time. We will be asking not only for donations but your continued prayers for Mike and his family. Please join us for The Mike Maxwell Family Benefit Spaghetti Dinner and Auction will take place Sept. 23, 2012 at Triway High School Cafeteria from 12:00pm to 4:00pm.