Share your best Mike Maxwell Story!

Ok here it is! Take time to share your best story about Mike. These will be moderated to ensure that all content is appropriate. Time to share what you know... with and about Mike!
Please include your name at the end of the posting.

Thank you.

The Friends of Mike Maxwell!


Anonymous said...

On one occasion Mike was working a case and spoke to an out of town reporter more or less by accident. The discussion came after the arrest of a suspect for a very serious crime. Mike came to me and stated that he had told the reporter that any comments needed to come from myself or the Sheriff. Mike seemed a little nevervios about the fact that he had spoken to the reporter at all.

The next day I read the story form the out of town newspaper and everything was fine. It was however time for a little fun. I did a cut and paste of the article and inserted the following line.
“Detective Mike Maxwell said that he knew that the suspect was guilty because he had beady eyes”.

The now doctored “news story” was printed out and placed on Mikes desk after his fellow detectives were clued in on the joke.

Lets just say we had to “act fast” when Mike read the story to prevent an innocent reporter from getting a scolding from Mike!

Doug Hunter, Fiend and coworker of Mike

Anonymous said...

Growing up around the maxwell family had been a blessing. My father and him are best friends which brought childhood between me and his son Kyle so fun. Babysitting his daughter when Donna and mike needed to go Christmas shopping or go out to dinner. I love you guys and am praying. Mike hang in there we all love you and are here for you ;)
Love Megan Butler

Anonymous said...

Well to mention a few swimming freely in pool lol then one night all of us running I assume after toilet papering when donna ran straight into fence right at her hips a bending straight over it it was a had to be there to see it moment! And can't forget the ozzy talent show it was awesome
Love you all, shelly bush

Anonymous said...

My Dad likes to shop on Ebay for parts and such. He had done it for a few years with never any trouble. Until one low life scamed him. Dad was so worked up over the whole thing and everything we tried to do, short of driving to Wisconson, was no use. I told him to call the Sheriff's office to see if they could help. Mike showed up at their house. Totally made my parents comfortable that he thought he could do something to straighten it out. Got all the info, did what he did and by golly the parts showed up in a few days. He was such a big sigh of relief for my Dad that day, and he has a special place in his heart today. I soooo appreciated his help that day.
Went to school with Mike, so I won't tell all those stories. LOL.
God Bless you Mike, Sure wish we could make you feel better, you are loved by so many!!!!
Missy Sidle

Unknown said...

My stories & memories of Mike are not appropriate for public eyes. All I can say is if the back walls of Westwood Market, under all that paint, were revealed we'd all be laughing together once again. Hugs, love, & prayers to you! Many Blessings! Angie (Gasser) Giltner

Anonymous said...

A few years ago a group of us used to get together and play cards and after one of these nights there were various items left at our house. I had some errands to run so I decided that I would return the various beverages that were left. Upon arriving at the Maxwell home I walked to the front door and rang the bell. There stood Mike folding the laundry in his underwear! He went and hid, Donna and Emily were napping and Kyle wouldn't answer the door because he was laughing so hard. Mike finally came to the door holding a pillow in front of him and I believe his face was as red as mine. Needless to say whenever we run into each other we end up mentioning it and having a good laugh. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Take care and God bless!

Chris, Allen, Mary and Beth Cornelius

Sharon Lycans Porter said...

I have a lot of good memories of the many years that I have worked with Mike at the Wayne County Sheriff's Office. Mike is respected and liked by his co-workers, the victims of the many cases he has solved and even the people he arrested. But, my favorite memories are of the poker runs and parties afterwards! We all had some good times on our Harleys and Mike's sense of humor made our rides even more fun! Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Donna and your family, Mike. Hang in there and keep fighting!

Sharon (and Mike) Porter

Allene Gentry said...

One year for my mother-in-law's 50th birthday (Donna's mother, Gayle) the Maxwell's and Gentry's went to Arizona to visit her. In the west they don't have to put the water pipes very far in the ground because they don't have to worry about it freezing. Well, my mother in law had just told us that you don't have to run the water to get to warm like we do in Ohio because the water pipes are close to the surface. Shortly there after Mike decided to take a shower and I'm sure you can guess what happened... I've never heard anyone scream like he did as the already hot water was beating down on him. To this day thinking of that makes me smile.

Allene Gentry said...

On the Christmas after the birth of our daughter, Alivia, we were all (Maxwells and Gentrys) at the in laws (Gentrys) for Christmas and I was sitting in the living room, which was never used, with the lights off and covered with a blanket. Mike comes walking in and sat down on the couch across from where I was sitting feeding Alivia (breatfeeding) and asked "Why are you sitting in here in the dark?" and I just kind of cleared my throat and said "Feeding Alivia" and he jumped up so fast I thought he was going to run out the front door when he realized what "feeding" meant...

Tamara Burnett Penny said...

I went to school with mike but I don't really have many memories of school in general. It was hard on many different levels. I connected with mike again through Facebook while hecwasvplanning our 20th class reunion and what I remember most was all the positive comments he had on the posts I made about my son's sporting adventures. Mike never met my son, but he always had an encouraging word, or even just a " like" when I posted a comment about a touchdown, a home run, or a tough game. That's the kind of guy he was: sending positive support to a classmate's little kid, whom he never met, and I've always thought that was amazingly special.